Mede8er 500X/400X Beginners Guide (based on firmware version 3.0.5)(this is a 'living/growing' document)
Placing and connecting your new Mede8er:First read the latest
User Manual and
Multi Language Quick Start GuideIt explains how to connect the cabling, insert a HDD if you've purchased one separately and gives some explanation about basic operation.
When you have read the manual you are ready to connect it and play.
First make sure you place your new mede8er in a well ventilated spot.
Avoid placing it in a closed cabinet.
There should be enough airflow to cool your equipment otherwise it will become defective.
Also be careful when stacking several devices on top of each other, this could also heat up your equipment and eventually brick it.
Connecting the cabling: o Connect it to your TV with supplied HDMI, or if not available using the supplied RCA cables as described in the Quick Start Manual;
o If you use a separate A/V receiver or amplifier for audio, you can connect that by a coax digital cable or a optical digital cable. If you have a receiver with HDMI inputs then that is not required if your audio set is also connected via HDMI cable to another HDMI connection on your TV;
o Connect a wired (UTP) network cable if you want to use network functionality.
Now you are ready to power up your Mede8er.
Starting up your Mede8er for the fist time:Be sure you have set your TV to the right auxiliary input (HDMI or analogue AV depending on what you are using)
Now press the power switch. Your Mede8er will power up, blue led goes on.
You will see the Mede8er logo on the screen. After some 10-15sec it is fully powered up and you should see the startup screen to choose your language and configure your network connection. Set this as desired - if network cable is attached then choose DHCP, otherwise cancel.
If you don't see anything on your screen, don't panic:
- First check if you have selected the right input on your TV.
- If that is OK, then press 1x on the TV Out button on your Mede8er and wait 10 secs. If you don't get output on your TV, repeat this step again until you get output on your screen. You can also use the TV SYS button on your remote control, this has the same function. By doing this procedure you will skip through all the different video modes of the Mede8er until it is set to a mode your TV set recognises, resulting in output on your screen.
Now you are ready to configure your Mede8er.
Go into the System Setup Menu from the Home screen.
Browse to it with the arrow keys on your remote and confirm with the ENTER button in the middle of the arrows.
Now go to the System Setup menu and select System Info. On this screen make a note of the Software Version. If it is not the latest version, then we need to update it.
If you have a hard disk installed or it was pre-installed, check also HDD free space: if it contains no value, the HDD needs to be formatted. It is recommended to always format your HDD from the Mede8er Setup before you start using it in order to be able to make use the full Meder8er features and functionality; this will also prevent instability caused by improper format.
Formatting your internal Mede8er disk and updating to latest firmware version:If your Mede8er is not on the latest Firmware Version (Software Version), then now is the time to update it to the latest version. You can find the latest version here:
Latest FirmwareNOTE: please read the release notes carefully. Currently there is an issue with the 2.0.x versions firmware with mede8er configurations that have no internal disk.This problem is fixed in version 2.1.0 and higher.Extract the downloaded firmware to a USB flash stick and follow up the attached update instructions carefully. Unpack the zip-file or rar-file. Be sure to place the
install.img file on the root of your USB stick, preferably freshly full formatted before using it for the update.
After the update has finished, always do a hard reset by unplugging the DC jack on the back, wait some 20 secs and plug it in again.
format your internal disk from the same setup menu. Select HDD format menu and confirm the format questions.
ALL DATA ON THE DISK WILL BE DELETED.When the format is finished, the Mede8er will ask to reboot. Confirm this.
Now you are complete ready to set up your video, audio and network.
System Setup Menuo
Audio setup menuo
Video setup menuo
Network setup menuo
System setup menuo
Misc setup menuIf you have an internal disc in your mede8er the best way to organise your media files:Just create some main folders on the disk, e.g. a folder Movies, Photos, Music.
See this exampleAnd then under these folder you create sub folders for each separatie Movie, etc.
Thumbgen you can create nice about.jpg movie description files in each movie folder. These files will be then visable in the preview window when browsing over your sub folders. When pressing on Slow on the remote control, you can "zoom in" to these movie descriptions.
Note: The Tabs on top of the screen in the Media Library menu are just filters and no folder tabs.
(following sections TBD....)
Basic functionalityo Media Library Menu
Internet Radio Menuo
File Manager Menuo
Remote Control Functions NEWTechnical questions? Please look at the Technical support guidelines before posting them in the Technical Issue section or the Bug Report section. Good problem descriptions give fast answers.....Frequently Asked Questions[SETUP]
Howto wipe the internal disk if formatting is not working / reset your mede8er with internal disk to start setup complete over from beginningo
I am not able to format my internal HDD in version 2.0.0 or 2.0.1 or 2.0.2o
Howto check if your internal disk is formatted from Mede8er menuo
Firmware recovey emergency upgrade procedure. READ THIS ALSO IF IT FAILSo
Where to find the latest available firmware versiono
When should I use the 1080p 24hz optiono
Connecting your Mede8er with supplied USB cable to your PC to copy files to the internal disko
Mede8er MED10WF WiFi Dongle Quick start guide o
Howto setup network connection from Win 7 PC to Mede8er (Samba/Filesharing mode)o
Howto setup network connection from Win Vista 32 PC to Mede8er (Samba/Filesharing mode)o
Howto setup network connection from Win XP PC to Mede8er (Samba/Filesharing mode)o
Howto setup network connection from Mede8er to PC (Samba/Filesharing mode)o
Howto setup network connection from Mede8er to NFS server on PCo
Howto setup NFS on the Mede8ero
Howto get better NAS Network stability NEWo Internet Radio not working, get Service Unavailable Error -> update to 3.0.5 or V4beta5
Howto make a play-listo
Mede8er supported video codecs and audio codecso
Where to download Media Info to check file video or audio codeco
Copy over network. Howto increase speedo
Howto convert a DVD TS structure to one iso file o
Fix for Only sound and no video on MKV file or update to V4beta5 or higher version
Howto check if you have a Med500X DD or DD+ unit NEW[CUSTOMIZING]
o Creating nice movie description backgrounds with "scraping" tools
YAMJ To-Mede8er o more to come...
I hope this beginners guide is useful for all those new Mede8ers here on the forum.
Please give a reply to this post if you like it or what improvement you like to see.
Expressions of compliments are ofcourse also welcome
To the more experienced members over here:If you have material to add to this Mede8er beginners guide, or other good remarks to make the contents better, please feel free to reply with a post with that contents to this beginners guide. If it really contributes, I will add it.