Since the Trailer part is still not working, Remove it from the Homepage.
You are seriously misleading customers.
Just to confirm that my statement was not hot air, please unzip the attachment and run on a PC.
That test does use my own server as redirecting server (the trailer source is a third party service), so the test will not work when my server is off. It is only for testing http server code, not an actual 24/7 server. We have started work on the 24/7 redirecting server but its not yet ready.
The player code then needs to return to finding Youtube ID's, and its wrapper must be chsnged to use the 24/7 server. Changes to the player code tend to take longer than expected.
A redirection server is needed as Mede8er will be paying to access the service on your behalf. The players can't access the service directly. A redirection server is NOT a restreamer. Its like Mede8er hosting a website with thousands of embed links to a video subscription service. Tho host site pays the subcription, the website users do not.