Once you need that amount of storage your getting into NAS territory. A proper NAS would allow you to both share whats stored, and keep it secure using failure management techniques.
Such drives used singularley are far too a risk. No one is ever going to back one up....only active failure management in a NAS is practicable.
You don't want to put 20 years worth of photos on it...and then ask where they went when the drive crashed. Drives fail...its a fact of life.
That is true even of a 1 TB, but at least with those backing up is more practicable.
The Med is a box full of media tools....like any tool box not every user needs all of them, and some tools are down right dangerous in the wrong hands. So if you have a 100GB NAS set up for local Cloud Storage, using Failure Management, by all means fit a 6 gb in the player and let the Cloud Storage keep a backup in sync. If not......6 GB of precious media is a lot to lose, and to recover.