Author Topic: V3.0.7 - 20Aug2014 BETA -X3D Series - for MED1000X3D - MED800X3D - MED600X3  (Read 52135 times)

Offline Mede8er1

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Just tried rescanning with Tagscanner, and the list is still screwed up.
Must be an issue right enough.

Its a bug in this release

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Offline nemethsa

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8. Fix: watched indicator: doesn't work on TV Series if you press NEXT >>| or PREV <<| to switch another episode.

It's really great! :)

Just an idea:
When I watching an episode and press the Next or Prev button or my Mede8er plays the next episode automatically, the selection in the episode list should follows the episode which was being played when I pressed the Stop button, because currently the selection stayes on the episode what I played at first. (I'm using the simple list view.)

Offline eBuTeb

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after scraping some movies, at the covers first 10 rows there´re very often black pixels, hissing? (rauschen) or a part of another cover.
like this (see attachment)
MED500x2, V3.0.4

MED1000x3D, V4.0.2 (29. Jul Beta)
HDD INT = HGST H3IKNAS40003272SE (SATA 600 / 4 TB)
HDD USB 1-4 = Seagate ST2000DL003 (USB 3 (& HUB), NTFS)

NAS 1 = Thecus N4200eco
Router = AVM FritzBox 7390
TV = LG 55LM860V
Receiver = Onkyo TX-NR515

Offline Maasbommel

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after scraping some movies, at the covers first 10 rows there´re very often black pixels, hissing? (rauschen) or a part of another cover.
like this (see attachment)
I have seen that phenomenon also. But not only with the mede8er scraper. Also with my Plex server scraper.
It is on the source site, TheMovieDB website.  Just do a manual edit and select another cover is the solution.
Read the  Mede8er 400X/500X Beginners Guide
or Mede8er 500X2/400X2/450X2 Beginners Guide

Also check the Couto X3D Newbies Guide first.

Please don't PM me but post on the forum.

Offline pejannl

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What's the filenaming convention for a trailer of a 3D SBS movie?

Is that 'Pipo de Clown.trailer.SBS.ext' or 'Pipo de Clown.SBS.trailer.ext' or maybe even something else?

Offline m3dmer3er3r_4

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after scraping some movies, at the covers first 10 rows there´re very often black pixels, hissing? (rauschen) or a part of another cover.
like this (see attachment)

I have seen that phenomenon also. But not only with the mede8er scraper. Also with my Plex server scraper.
It is on the source site, TheMovieDB website.  Just do a manual edit and select another cover is the solution.

..or permanent solution to the alternative way is .. make own custom generic "frame"
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 03:08:06 PM by m3dmer3er3r_4 »

Offline eBuTeb

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Hello m3dmer3er3r_4

Can you post this "Frame" and the way to use it, please

MED500x2, V3.0.4

MED1000x3D, V4.0.2 (29. Jul Beta)
HDD INT = HGST H3IKNAS40003272SE (SATA 600 / 4 TB)
HDD USB 1-4 = Seagate ST2000DL003 (USB 3 (& HUB), NTFS)

NAS 1 = Thecus N4200eco
Router = AVM FritzBox 7390
TV = LG 55LM860V
Receiver = Onkyo TX-NR515

Offline m3dmer3er3r_4

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Hello m3dmer3er3r_4

Can you post this "Frame" and the way to use it, please


I can post sample.. you can make your own what you like..put your image size 277x438

..simple. Make folder and rename scraper, put there your own frame named generic.png and navigate this folder your filebroser ,and click "set to skin"

Offline eBuTeb

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@ m3dmer3er3r_4

@ Maasbommel
A very curious phenomenon!

Cover.jpg and folder.jpg has the same source at tmdb
MED500x2, V3.0.4

MED1000x3D, V4.0.2 (29. Jul Beta)
HDD INT = HGST H3IKNAS40003272SE (SATA 600 / 4 TB)
HDD USB 1-4 = Seagate ST2000DL003 (USB 3 (& HUB), NTFS)

NAS 1 = Thecus N4200eco
Router = AVM FritzBox 7390
TV = LG 55LM860V
Receiver = Onkyo TX-NR515

Offline eBuTeb

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i´m editing the cover. jpg with an external PC Programm (
and save it back to the Mede8er x3D.
At mede8er : Open Info of the movie, press edit and save without any changes.
The cover.jpg has a new black or other colored bars at the top and botton side.
without any access to tmdb!
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 06:24:04 PM by eBuTeb »
MED500x2, V3.0.4

MED1000x3D, V4.0.2 (29. Jul Beta)
HDD INT = HGST H3IKNAS40003272SE (SATA 600 / 4 TB)
HDD USB 1-4 = Seagate ST2000DL003 (USB 3 (& HUB), NTFS)

NAS 1 = Thecus N4200eco
Router = AVM FritzBox 7390
TV = LG 55LM860V
Receiver = Onkyo TX-NR515

Offline ghandar

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The GUI cannot be given priority. The priority has to be playing the media, and getting the media to the player if streaming. This is why the moving screensaver was replaced some time ago. It used stop and start, go fast, go CPU time was spent on more important functions.

So then there's no hope that the Mede8er team will find a way to keep the counter in real-time sync with the file? Kind of odd to see the seconds count up unevenly like that - and makes the player appear buggy, even though the file is indeed playing fine.

I understand how the moving screensaver could be an issue. I just thought something as simple as the time display of the audio track being played would be a simple thing to handle. Does that really tax the CPU just keeping the file playback time in sync?

Offline ghandar

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The player does though...makers can't get cinavia free code for playing rips. So  the player has to use camcorder code instead. The menu  support with that has lots of limitations.

We can thank Sony and Cinavia for all of these limitations. I thought I recently read that Cinavia has finally been cracked, making it useless going forward? But maybe I'm wrong about that?

Offline Mede8er1

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Locked - New Release.

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