Hi, thanks for the quick replies. So far i did some more "research" (fooling around

Your questions/recomendations:
1. Do all abort ? -> No, some work, like "Globe Pulse"
2. Does youtube work ? -> Yes, no problems encountered on that. We use it a lot
3. Radio works ? -> Yes, tested some channels, no problems encountered so far
4. Use Google or Bing ! -> I did
5. Check DNS ! -> I did all tips you recomended
But there is still the same problem on some channels. I have tried also with the server files. Same problem. I have created customized xml and thumb to play arround (see attachement)
What i have seen so far with that file:
ZDFheute -> Same problem
Monitor -> OK
Nachtmagazin -> Same problem
Panorama -> Same Problem
Report Mainz -> worked once/ once the same problem
Report München -> works
tagesschau -> worked once/once the same problem
tagesthemen -> same problem
weltspiegel -> same problem
Wochenspiegel -> same problem
Frontal 21 -> same problem
Neues aus der Anstalt -> same problem
Pelzig hält sich -> same problem
Somehow i have the impression that if loading/buffering takes i bit longer i get this problem described. Could you give me some more hints what to ?
Thanks and best regards