Following new RSS channels have been added to the X3D Internet PODCAST menu on the Mede8er RSS server:
World news:- Nieuws uur (Dutch news channel)
- NOS Journaal (Dutch news channel)
- Jeugdjournaal (Dutch news channel)
- NOS op 3 (Dutch news channel)
- 1 Vandaag (Dutch news channel)
- Pauw & Witteman (Dutch news channel)
- De Wereld Draait Door (Dutch news channel)
Technology:- Hardware Info (Dutch technology review channel)
Entertainment:- 5 different movie trailer channels
- Giel Vodcast (Dutch)
To load these new channels on your X3D Internet Podcast menu, please read the instructions here;,158.0.html and follow the section
How-to update the Internet PODCAST section to the latest available on the Mede8er server