I don't have any problem now anymore doing it manually, as most of my stuff has already been done, and only adding single episodes from time to time is quite fast.
I know all the work that is behind, as I also had to do my Simpsons series collection, which is now 23 seasons long, takes a while with YAMJ.
Btw, I saw in the beginning of your tutorial that it even uses the same folder picture for every season, is that so? I have a different picture for every season (done manually of course). All my series have a picture, then every season of that series uses a different picture, and then every episode of one series uses the same picture.
So in your case, using your program, what's happening when you're on one episode and press the INFO button? I guess there comes the folder icon with the full name of the movie? And there's exactly where I want to have my about picture ;-)
But anyway, very nice work so far you did with the program, 2 thumbs up!!