When you connect your external drive to your Windows PC there will be a drive letter assigned to it: e.g.: D:\ or E:\
This is the "Start Pfad" in the window which you open by starting the Lupos_FourCC.exe.
The Lupos_FourCC.ini for just scanning your files and indicating in the listing of Lupos_FourCC.txt which files are using what Four_CC, should look like this:
StartDir = E:\
Endungen = AVI, MKV
suchen = DIVX, DX50
ersetzen = ; XVID ; kein Ersetzen = nur Liste << ; befor XVID
Protokoll überschreiben = FALSE
To replace the Four_CC it should be:
StartDir = E:\
Endungen = AVI, MKV
suchen = DIVX, DX50
ersetzen = XVID
Protokoll überschreiben = FALSE
You terminate the program by using [ESC] and [Enter]