Due to demand from our users we decided to implement Aggregated JukeBox functionality for the X3D Series. The concept is new for Mede8er and it will take some time until a lot of scrapers and tools support this. Yadis supports this functionality for Dune Players so with the help of 'funkycochise' and his tool Yadis2 mede8er this can now be done on the X3D Series. This functionality is new but should be robust within the Mede8er as we still use all the existing elements of the Movie JukeBox and the Mede8er.db remains the same.
UPDATE 8 Feb2013 We will include new Movie JukeBox Aggregation functionality with the next V2 BETA so that users can make Aggregation JukeBoxes from the Mede8er GUI. We expect this development to be ready +- end Feb2013.The way it works is to have a 'Workspace' or dummy Jukebox in a specific location. The dummy JukeBox can be on the Mede8er HDD or a USB Stick or USB Drive of on a Samba or NFS Network share. The dummy JukeBox contains the full folder structure of the original Movie JukeBox with each movie in its own folder. Within each folder you will have the normal Mede8er folder.jpg and about.jpg and the Movie.name.xml or folder.name.xml. The dummy JukeBox also uses the Mede8er.db for xml search functionality so it also needs to be scanned. Practically you would navigate to this dummy JukeBox folder and add it to Favourites. In Favourites you would scan it and you now ready to go.
How does it workWhen you try try to Play the movie the Mede8er firmware
V2.0.0 - 24Jan or later will detect that there is no movie in the folder and it will open the movie.name.xml or folder.name.xml and check a new field entry called 'filelink'. This filelink contains information on the connection type and the path that Mede8er needs to use in order to play the movie.
Filelink details
Samba]<filelink>smb:// Folder</filelink>
Samba within Login<filelink>smb://User Name:Password@ Folder</filelink>
USB/HDD]<filelink>storage_label://LABEL/Folder/Sub Folder</filelink>
NFS<filelink>nfs://Host_IP/Path/To/Export:/Sub Folder</filelink>
Yadis Path Setup xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yadis is used as the scraper and we will be using the 'Dune' profile.
In Yadis select Setup
A. General Tab1. In The Profile tab select Dune
2. Set the Workspace path (this is Yadis temp folder)
3. Dune Interface location - not required
4. Other settings according to preference
B. Folders Tab.
1. Select 'Add'
2. Set the Folder Path
3. Set the Dune Path
Sambasmb:// Folder
Samba within Loginsmb:/User Name:Password@ Folder
USB/HDDstorage_label://LABEL/Folder/Sub Folder
NFSnfs://Host_IP/Path/To/Export:/Sub Folder
Samba ExampleWhen you point to a share the Dune Path will look like this (Obviously the share name and folder will show the actual you have selected)
storage_label:///Share_Name/FolderReplace the 'red' with
smb:// Example with LoginWhen you point to a share the Dune Path will look like this (Obviously the share name and folder will show the actual you have selected)
storage_label:///Share_Name/FolderReplace the 'red' with
smb:/User Name:Password@IPie
smb://User Name:Password@ the NFS share in on a NAS it will look like this when you enter the path
smb:// the 'red' with
nfs://Host_IP/Path/To/Export:/Sub Folder
Actual example of my path to my Thecus nas
USB Drives and Internal HDDWe have a bug with internal HDD so please do not use this for the current round of testing. USB Drives are working fine.Will fix this asap Fixed V2 - 31Jan
This is correct so need need to change anything
storage_label://Drive Name/Folder/ Sub Folder etc Once you have set the 'storage_labels' as above and then scraped your movies you will be ready to convert the images and xml to Mede8er standard
NFS HaneWIN on PC Setup xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HanWIN export for sharing the whole drive e:\ -public -name:ee = 'Export'
Dune Path should look like this
nfs://192.168.86/e:/Folder/Sub Folder (
add additional Sub Folders according to your actual path - do not include the final folder that holds the movie) - so edit it until it looks like this
Your filelink in the folder.name.xml should look like this
<filelink>nfs://192.168.86/e:/Folder/Sub Folder/Movie Name Folder</filelink>For Dune Path you list all the folders in the path but not the final folder that holds your movie as
YADIS will add this.
HanWIN export for sharing a Folder e:\FOLDER_NAME -public -name:FOLDER_NAMEFOLDER_NAME = the actual folder you want to share and this is called an
'Export'Dune Path should look like this
nfs://192.168.86/FOLDER_NAME:/Folder/Sub Folder (
add additional Sub Folders according to your actual path - do not include the final foder that holds the movie) - so edit it until it looks like this
Your filelink in the folder.name.xml should look like this
<filelink>nfs://192.168.86/FOLDER_NAME:/Folder/Sub Folder/Movie Name Folder</filelink>For Dune Path you list all the folders in the path below the
'Export' but not the final folder that holds your movie as
YADIS will add this.
Yadis2Mede8er xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
UPDATE BETA 12 - 28Jan2013Download Yadis2Mede8er beta12 and unrar and copy contents to a new folder in Program Files and make a shortcut
https://www.dropbox.com/s/x29enav4rl3ded1/Yadis2mede8er%20beta%2012.7zChangelog1. Fixes : unclosed tag when no genres, cast and so on.
Latest Beta can be found in this thread:-
http://www.mede8erforum.com/index.php/topic,10081.0.htmlLaunch Yadis2Mede8er
1. Go to Settings
1. Fill in the Yadis Workspace folder
2. 'Aggregate jukebox' is the new 'dummy jukebox' that Yadis2Mede8er will create so you need to make a folder and name it whatever you like and it can be on USB, Mede8er HDD, Samba Share, NFS share. Point to this folder
3. Check 'Use Dune profile in Yadis'
4. Check Aggregate jukebox
5. Make sure 'Resize folder.jpg is checked and size is 160 x 237
6. Make sure foll are checked Folder.jpg, About.jpg, Movie.xml
7. Select Save
8 Back to main page
9. If you select 'send all' then Yadis2Mede8er will always send
ALL images and xml to the dummy jukebox. If you leave it unchecked it will only save new updated information
10. Run 'Mede8erize' and a complete dummy JukeBox will be built in the Aggregate JukeBox folder
Treat the new Aggregate JukeBox like a normal Mede8er JukeBox
1. Navigate to this new Dummy JukeBox in the X3D
2. Make a Favlink
3. Scan the Favlink
Good Luck
