TV Series XML Wall
(for illustration can no longer have a separate icon for each episode)
Demo PackYou can download an internal demo pack 'Series - Demo_12March2012.rar' that might well be worth downloading and testing as this will give you a feel for this new functionality.
PLS DO NOT TRY TO PLAY THE VIDEO FILES AS THEY ARE ACTUALLY TXT FILES RENAMED. - Demo_12March2012.rarTV Series XML Wall Teaser can use ThumGen with a Mede8er Profile to scan your Series in order to create the images and xml files Mede8er XML Series Wall Profile Download TV Series XML Wall_12March2012.zipMede8er TV Series XML Wall explanationOrganizing TV Series for Media Players can be very challenging and time consuming if you intent to have Image and Episode support in terms of Plot info etc. We have designed the new TV Series XML Wall to be easy to use in conjunction with a well respected scraper called Thumbgen. The fact that it is not html based means that the user can easily change Plots, Images and Fanart without messing up the main structure. Thumbgen in conjunction with the Mede8er Profile will do all the following for you with the exception of Point4
1) Thumbnail images ideal size = 160 x 237 pixels
2) If you place a Series.jpg image 160 x 237 pixel in each episode folder then it will be applied to all thumbnails in the folder
3) A Folder.jpg 160 x 237 can be used if you want to show a different image from outside the folder
4) Thumbgen will automatically make the correct Episode xml -- basically each video file requires its own xml file
Band Of Brothers_2001 - E01 - Currahee.mkv
Band Of Brothers_2001 - E01 - Currahee.xml
Instructions for the use of Thumbgen to scrape xml and images for the TV Series XML Wall1) Download and Install Thumbgen Download the Mede8er Profile and unzip it. Copy the file 'Mede8er Profile 'Mede8er TV Series XML Wall_12March2012.tgp' to the Profile folder in Thumgen Open Thumbgen and select the Profile on the Top Left ' Mede8er TV Series XML Wall_12March2012'
4) Select Process Files / Folder
5) Navigate to the Folder you want to scan and select it
6) Now go to 'Create Sheets/ thumbnails' and select a scanning option
7) Thumbgen will do the scraping and copy the correct files to the folder you select.