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Yadis for Mede8er / Re: Yadis2mede8er
« Last post by mjlaan on September 25, 2024, 01:42:42 PM »

The link for Yadis2mede8er is not working anymore.
Can someone post a proper link to a working download please?

Thx, Marijn
Technical Issues / Re: Movie scraping is extremely slow
« Last post by jupke on September 15, 2024, 10:08:56 AM »
Does anyone else experience the same thing?
Y2M (YAMJ TO MEDE8ER) / Missing movie info lately
« Last post by dotternetta on September 07, 2024, 05:35:35 PM »
Something's wrong or has gone offline. I'm not getting movie info, like director and story, playtime etc when running YAMJ lately. Old scans were oke, but newer are missing that. Any advice?

Seems like IMDB has moved something (image upload doesn't work here btw)

I get the error: "failed to get web page ( from IMBD: failed request with status 308 for URL.

Slowly all movies are stripped from metadata  :-[

Technical Issues / Movie scraping is extremely slow
« Last post by jupke on August 21, 2024, 03:29:07 PM »
I noticed that something when scraping movies seems off.

Yes, it is still possible to scrape, but it takes a very long time, relatively.
I've been testing it, and noticed that it takes about 9m:37s to scrape just 1 film.
I then deleted the jpg and xml files that were created, and started scraping the film again. This time, also around 9m:37s.

Then I scraped another film, and again around 9m:37s.

I then deleted the jpg/xml files of 2 other films, started scraping (it starts with film 1/2) and after around 9m:37s it started scraping film 2/2.

I then reinstalled the latest firmware (the one from April '16) with the emergency procedure, and plugged in a different HDD. I knew there were 5 films to be scraped on that HDD.
And guess what, it took around 9m:37s for each film to be scraped.

So... I find this odd. I am wondering if there are people (still exploring this forum, and) that have similar issues when scraping movies. If so, I wonder if there's a solution to it.
I still have firmware V3.0.1 with Med800x3d. Is it possible to go to firmware V4.0.2 patched 2 in one go. I have bootloader KIIE.0402.0065
My MED200X is not playing,it just have a red light on not switching on

Sent from my 23028RN4DG using Tapatalk

Technical Issues / upgrade firmware from V3.0.1 to V4.0.2 patched 2
« Last post by nico65 on June 14, 2024, 02:55:55 PM »
I still have firmware V3.0.1 with Med800x3d. Is it possible to go to firmware V4.0.2 patched 2 in one go. I have bootloader KIIE.0402.0065
Technical Issues / Re: HDD not visible
« Last post by jontyb1 on April 25, 2024, 09:58:11 AM »
Ok, so took it to a pc ,guy, hdd is fine. He reset and loaded the most recent software’ he could find.
My folders all are visible that I created, but are all empty.
Plugged into pc again and h drive properties clearly shows there is a lot of data on the drive and this seems about right for what I had stored on it.
So seems like the data is still there but something is not allowing it to show in the folders.
Also noticed it won’t let me scan the drive for errors too.
Any further ideas.
Firmware Downloads / Re: New Firmware for 250X
« Last post by pannatornk on April 18, 2024, 02:47:15 PM »
After firmware installation (v 1.7). when I turned on the power, then plug in USB of external drive the power blue light is disappear but can work well for all functions by remote control. When I play the movies file, the sound is ok but picture is not show on TV screen, please advice. thank you.
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