Author Topic: New Mede8er NET API for X3D - V2  (Read 12372 times)

Offline Mede8er1

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New Mede8er NET API for X3D - V2
« on: January 29, 2013, 04:30:11 PM »
We are inviting any developers to join a new Group within this forum with the aim of using the new NET API in V2 to develop some nice apps for iPad and Android devices or even PC or MAC. The new NET API functionality is focused on using and controlling the Mede8er Movie JukeBox on external devices like iPad / Android tablets. Any App that is developed remains the property of the developer and can be sold at a reasonable unit cost on the App store or the Andriod Market or given to the community. If the app is really good Mede8er may well negotiate with the developer to buy the app in Bulk so as to bundle with the players at source.

If you are interested please PM me


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